Tamilnadu Agricultural Marketing and Agri Business Department
Our Goal:
To provide for the better regulation of buying and selling of agricultural produce and the establishment and proper administration of markets for agricultural produce in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Our Mission:
To ensure right and remunerative price for the agricultural produce of the farmers.
There are 23 market committees in our state to make our goal and mission a reality.
In our district this job is entrusted to Tiruvarur Market Committee which is doing its excellent job since 1962, as a part of composite Thanjavur District and from 4.1.2003 as a separate market committee.
The Tiruvarur Market Committee encompasses the entire revenue district of Tiruvarur as its notified area.
There are 8 regulated markets under Tiruvarur Market Committee and each having its own notified market area.
They are,
- Tiruvarur 2. Mannargudi
- Thiruthuraipoondi 4. Vaduvoor
- Valangaiman 6. Kudavasal
- Poonthottam 8. Koradacherry
There are 14 notified crops in our district. They are
- Paddy
- Cotton
- Coconu
- Blackgram
- Greengram
- Groundnut
- Gingely
- Redgram
- Red chilies
- Corn
- Maize
- Sugar
- cane Jaggary
- Cashewnut
- Tobocca
Functions of Tiruvarur Market Committee:
- To ensure remunerative price for agricultural produce through regulated markets.
- To facilitate marketing of agricultural produce through regulated markets and providing infrastructure facilities and co-ordination of marketing.
- To make farmers aware of the benefits of grading, storing of their agriculture produce using the facilities in the regulated markets, by and advertising through media and providing training.
Regulated Markets:
The regulated markets provide necessary infrastructure for both farmers and traders, to enable the farmers to bring their agricultural produce to the regulated markets, so that the famers get maximum price benefit for their agricultural produces without the intervention of middlemen and commission. These services are provided free of cost to the farmers. One rupee for every hundred rupees of aggregate amount of value of the produce is levied for the first purchase or sale of any notified agricultural produce from the traders.
Facilities in the Regulated Markets:
- Trading Hall
- Weighing Machine
- Godown facilities in an affordable rent.
- Auction [Secret and Open] of agricultural produces especially Cotton in Tiruvarur District
Pledge Loan For the Farmers
Farmers bring their agricultural produce to the regulated markets for sale. If they cannot sell or the price is not affordable they can keep their produces in the godowns of the regulated markets for free of cost for the maximum of 15 days. Even after 15 days if the price is not affordable then they can pledge their produce*** for the maximum of 180 days and get 50% of value of their stored agriculture produce as loan with the maximum of 3 lacs rupees.First 15 days are interest free. After 15 days 5% of interest is charged for the loan amount. The farmers can sell their produce within 180 days when the price of their pledged produce is high. This helps the farmers avoid distress sale of their agricultural produces.
With documents to support that the pledged produce is produced by the farmer from the land cultivated by the farmer.
Pledge Loan For The Traders:
When traders buy one or more agricultural produce from farmers they can store agricultural produce at an affordable rent in the regulated markets’ godowns. They can also pledge the agricultural produce for the maximum of 180 days and get 50% of the value their stored agricultural produce as loan with the maximum of 2 lacs rupees. The interest is at an affordable 9%.
The Tamilnadu Farmers’ Welfare Fund Scheme:
The government of Tamil Nadu is executing the scheme keeping the interest of the farmers in mind.
The farmer/farmer’s family shall get
- Rs.1,00,000/- is given as subsidy amount, If the famer
died due to accident or due to snake bite - Rs.75,000/- is given as subsidy amount If the farmer is
permanently disabled due to loss of both legs or both hands or both eyes. - Rs.50,000/- is given as subsidy amount if disability due
to loss of one leg or one hand or one eye.
Farmers who sell a minimum of 1 Metric Ton of agricultural produce in a year through regulated markets
The Secretary, 2.The Special Officer
Tiruvarur Market Committee Tiruvarur Market Committee
172, Big Mill Street, 172, Big Mill Street, Vijapuram, Vijapuram,
Tiruvarur – 610001 Tiruvarur – 610001
Ph: 04366- 250481
The Superintendent/Supervisors of Regulated Markets,
Tiruvarur, Mannargudi, Thiruraipoondi, Vaduvoor,
Valangaiman, Kudavasal, Poonthottam and Koradacherry.